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A common misconception that Muslim young people have is that they perceive Islam as a strict or extreme religion and a religion that’s difficult to follow. This is why a lot of young people shun Islam or completely abandon it during their teenage years or even in their early adulthood.

But one aspect to keep in mind is that Islam isn’t a religious system of extremes. When Islam is interpreted in the manner that it is meant to be done and not in a way that is threatening, it’s an easy religion to lose yourself in since Islam adheres to the fundamental human psychology and the human condition.

Learn From Hadith

There’s quite a lot to learn from the hadith. 

There are four major lessons that we’ll explore in the following paragraphs. The most obvious lesson is that we shouldn’t burden ourselves with our faith by putting too much pressure on ourselves by going overboard or attempting to achieve perfection. Instead, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) suggests that we should try our best to keep our faith in Allah and use prayers to build up our strength.

It is essential to keep in mind that making our religion simple does not mean that we are lazy in our practicing of Islam or use this hadith as a reason for not trying to boost ourselves. 

The reason we make our religion simple is that we won’t be too lenient or extreme in our worship of Allah, fulfill our social responsibilities, or strive to develop as people and Muslims. Instead, we should strive to find a middle ground in how we live and practice our religion.

Religion Should be Easy

Islam is not intended to be an unavoidable burden in our lives. It’s intended to be something integrated into our daily lives rather than something we separate. The practice of Islam will make us feel happier and more satisfied. 

If someone is ignoring their health, family, or well-being for the sake of Islam, this is not the truth of Islam.

One example is the well-known tale that some women from Medina were brought to the Prophet Muhammad to complain that their husbands had spent the entire night in prayer and weren’t paying attention to their wives. 

The Prophet reacted by criticizing the wives of these men and declaring that their wives were entitled to a certain amount of power to rule over them.

The acts Allah likes desirable are those excellent deeds performed regularly, no matter how large or small. Even the minor acts we perform periodically will be obstacles when we face that Day of Judgment. So, it is essential to focus on developing the habit of performing good deeds that can be incorporated into our daily routine. 

We are never sure which good deed is the most important one to do that will allow us to go through Jannah, or even a minor act of kindness will yield a tremendous reward when performed with pure intention.

Allah does not Expect Perfection

Another cause of anxiety for Muslims is the belief that they’re insufficiently doing suitable to be pleasing to Allah. 

Muslims are frequently instructed to “fear Allah” and taught to be scared of His anger. But this notion of perfection, as well as the fear of failing, is not the reality of Islam.

Allah expects progression, not perfection. 

The above hadith doesn’t state “the accurate individuals are the ones who do not make mistakes. It says every human being is prone to making errors and making sins. But “the perfect of those who sin is those who repent,” which means that the desirable humans are those who realize their mistakes and turn to God for forgiveness.

Repentance is a synonym for self-improvement since repentance is about seeking to rectify the error or sin. 

Ask forgiveness, try not to repeat the error, and finally make amends for the mistake by acting kind. So repentance is one of the ways that we can build character and develop as individuals. It’s something that’s displayed through your actions and is not only through your words.

Final Thoughts

The main lesson is to find a compromise in how we practice Islam and avoid being too strict or uninformed. Islam must be a part of our lives and not something we separate from. 

It is essential not to be harsh on ourselves and not to be awed by ourselves. However, we should be optimistic about Allah and use prayer to build ourselves up in our faith and boost the amount of faith.

Why You Should Stop Making Islam Difficult Upon Yourself
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Why You Should Stop Making Islam Difficult Upon Yourself
Encourages simplifying personal religious practice, emphasizing ease and accessibility in following Islamic principles, avoiding unnecessary hardship and complexity.
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