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The teaching of youngsters in the subject of Islam is the obligation of all Muslim. This is a major obligation that must be carried out as a team with the entire community. The teaching of youngsters about Islam is an essential part of the Sunnah from the prophet (SAW). 

There are numerous narrations which speak of the Prophet’s generosity to youngsters in training and educating children about Islam. (SAW) said:

“Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for his flock. The ruler is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. A man is the shepherd of his household and is responsible for his flock. A woman is the shepherd of her husband’s house” [Bukhari 853] 

It is crucial to provide children the right information at an appropriate age to keep them from receiving false information from non-reliable sources. Utilizing real sources is crucial to avoid an influence from any erroneous belief system on young children.

There are many madrassas in the present and mosques provide Islamic Studies to children of all different ages. Parents can enroll children in any course that is offered or buy their own books to teach their children at home.

How to Teach a Child to Pray in Islam

Parents need to start teaching children to pray as early as possible. One way to do this is to require them to sit or stand beside the parent while praying. 

It is a common occurrence that children begin to imitate the salah’s actions at the age of 2 or 3 simply by watching the adults pray five times per each day. Additionally, children must be taught in a formal manner on the words and aspects of salah once they reach 7 years old. This is in accordance with the hadith which guides parents during the time of prayer.

Encourage Children How To Perform Salah

As early as seven, children must be encouraged to develop how to perform Salah by taking part in prayer. 

This is an excellent method of teaching children the proper actions and guidelines to carry out Salah correctly. It is also a good time to determine if they’ve acquired the Surahs and duas to follow prayers. There are a variety of illustrations in the books as well as apps to benefit youngsters. 

Children who are younger than ten may benefit from the guidance provided by these apps in prayer.

 But this is only to be used as a prop at the beginning, and then they should begin to pray in their own way as soon as possible.

When they reached the age of 10, youngsters would be able to understand the importance of prayer if they had started studying at the age of seven, according to the guidelines. It is important to keep in mind that 7 years is the minimum age of regular practice. 

The obligation to pray doesn’t begin until the age of ten.

Facts About Islam for Kids

The main Islamic subjects that children should be aware of are listed here. The following information regarding Islam should be included in the early education of children. kids.

The Five Pillars of Islam

It is vital to know the five foundations of Islam to get a better understanding of the religion. The five pillars cover the fundamental duties of an Muslim. It is essential to follow the basic principles and actions of worship to become an authentic Muslim. 

This notion can be taught with images of pillars that are strong that support a structure and prevent its destruction. To further reinforce the understanding online, resources are available to download and given to children. 

There are many resources available that can be used, such as sketches of five pillars, as well as the space to write their names.

Kalimah – Beliefs

Belief is integrated into five foundations. However, children must be able to comprehend the language of Shahadah and other Kalimahs and Duas which are based on the core faith system of Islam.

The Revelation of the Quran

One of the most important subjects to teach youngsters the concept of divine revelation. It is important to know the very first verses given by the prophet Muhammad (SAW) as well as the date, time, location and method of revelation. 

This could be a part of the prophet’s (SAW) routine in the cave of Hira and the way he felt when Jibril the angel appeared to him at night during Ramadan.

The Stories of the Seerah

Important events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) could be selected to instruct children. One of these events could coincide with the date of the initial revelation, which was mentioned earlier. 

Other significant events include the ban on Banu Hashim as well as The Prophet’s (SAW) evening journey towards the skies and the migration to Madinah and the liberation of Makkah.

Islamic Activities for Children

There are a variety of activities that can be designed or downloaded on the internet to use by children. Coloring pages and drawing concepts help to make learning simple and enjoyable for kids. 

Books are an excellent method to entertain children and teach their minds in a fascinating manner. Islamic games and tests can be utilized to make learning interesting and challenging.

Teachers and parents can take advantage of kid-friendly videos that are based on Islamic principles. For children who are very young there is the opportunity to make use of electronic toys that include Dua or Surah videos to benefit to memorize. 

For older children, there is the chance to create poems or stories that have Islamic themes. In addition, they can join parents to do charitable acts and deposit the proceeds into an account for charity in the mosque on behalf of their parents.

Final Thoughts

These ideas benefit in the process of teaching. 

But the desirable method of teaching children is to provide excellent role models. This was the way of The Prophet (SAW) and he was the perfect teacher to teach the world about divine teachings. 

The followers are encouraged to apply the principles that come from his Sunnah in order to make their process of training for the future Muslims easy and enjoyable. 

One of the greatest marks of an example to follow is how much they contribute to those who are less fortunate. Encourage your children to give their riches with those who need it the most.

How to Foster an Understanding of Islam in Young Children
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How to Foster an Understanding of Islam in Young Children
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