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Charity is among the basic principles of Islam and is of great importance in the religious system. Giving money as a charity is viewed as a way of becoming closer to Allah, cleansing the soul, and meeting the needs of the less fortunate. 

It’s not just an obligation of morality but also a way of receiving various rewards and blessings from Allah. 

In the following article, we’ll look at the advantages of charity giving in Islam and how this could positively impact our lives and those around us.

Benefits of Charity in Islam

The Spiritual Reward

In Islam, every good deed will be rewarded in this life and the afterlife. Charity is regarded as an advantageous action that draws the person giving it nearer to Allah. Allah has promised huge rewards to those who donate to charity. 

According to the Quran, Allah says, ”The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-encompassing and Knowing.” (2:261)

​In another verse, Allah says, “Those who spend their wealth [in Allah’s way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly – they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.” (2:274)

The Physical Benefits of Charity

Charity in Islam not only brings benefits for the soul, but it also provides physical advantages. Research has shown that those who regularly donate to charities are more likely to be less stressed, have lower blood pressure, and have a longer life span. 

Giving back to charities can boost satisfaction and happiness, improving our overall immune system and health.

The Social Benefits of Charity

Giving to charity is beneficial for both the donor and the recipient; it also offers positive social effects. It helps reduce inequality and poverty, which results in a more equitable and stable society. 

By giving charity, we also build a sense of community and brotherhood/sisterhood with those who are less fortunate than us.

The Economic Benefits 

Charity plays a vital role in the world of economy.

Donating to charity, we distribute funds to those in need. This can boost the economy by increasing the purchasing capacity of the less fortunate. Additionally, donating to charity stops hoarding wealth that could cause inflation.

Charity also promotes entrepreneurship and ingenuity. By offering financial aid to needy people, we’re helping them start their businesses or further their studies. This is, in turn, leading to development and economic growth.

Psychological Benefits of Charity

Giving to charity can also have psychological advantages. 

It encourages feelings of compassion, empathy, and a sense of gratitude. Giving charity is a way of saying we acknowledge that we are blessed with abundance and are thankful for it. 

This gratitude can lead to positive attitudes towards life and an understanding of significance.

Additionally, giving money to charities assists in combating negative emotions, such as envy, greed, and self-centeredness. Giving to others reminds us that we’re all part of the same community and must be aware of one another.

Final Thoughts  

Giving to charity in Islam is an integral element of the faith. It brings numerous benefits for the charity’s giver and the recipient. Not only does it bring benefits for the spiritual, however, but it also offers economic, social, physical, and psychological advantages. 

The charity helps promote an equitable and stable society. It can lead to personal development and growth. 

It is essential to make giving back a habit and work to be more generous and compassionate to those less fortunate than we are. 

Donate online via MOHID to mosques during Ramadan.