The charitable giving is incredibly noble and is loved and admired by Allah (SWT). It doesn’t matter which charity you support as long as your Niyah (intention) is pure. If you choose to donate money to charity to help those in dire need in Syria and other nations, Allah (SWT) can, insha’Allah, reward you equally.
However, it’s your responsibility to select an organization that will use your funds appropriately, not for purposes other than aiding the needy and poor.
You must know the guidelines below to ensure your contribution is directed properly.
Anyone who is struggling or in need should benefit from charity. Our obligation as Muslims is to help those in need, regardless of gender, race, or other characteristics, to ensure we utilize the resources Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon us in a manner pleasing to Him (SWT).
Are you aware that a Donor Bill of Rights exists designed to protect those who give money or other resources to those in need and people experiencing poverty? The Donor Bill of Rights does indeed exist, and it guarantees that all donors are informed about the purpose of their donations.
Each donor has the right to know how the charity has used their donated money. Therefore, whether it’s for the Syria relief effort or a child sponsorship program in another country, you have the right to learn about the charity you have chosen to support. Don’t forget to give to a charity that acknowledges your rights and respects them.
If you decide to donate to an organization with which you need to become more familiar, make sure to conduct inquiries and research to find out all you can about the credibility of the organization or group.
It is vital to ensure that any money you contribute goes toward a legitimate nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare of humanity’s helpless and not to benefit itself.
When you choose an organization to handle your donations, please inquire about the official name, address, telephone number, and whether they are registered. This information is crucial as it allows you to verify the organization’s legitimacy and helps you decide whether or not you’re donating to the right charity.
It doesn’t matter which charity you support or if you donate money or items like clothing, bottled water, blankets, or shoes. You must request a copy of their annual report, which can be obtained from certain organizations.
Once you have it, review the organization’s financials. Be aware that if more than 10 percent of the earnings from the nonprofit are being used for expenses, it may be someone other than an organization you want to support. If 10 percent or more of the earnings are used for different costs, the charity’s operations might not benefit those they claim to assist.
Finally, ensure that the charitable organization you select has a secure website that uses encryption technology to protect sensitive data.
Payment is the final step in donating, so it is essential to ensure your private data, such as credit card information, banking details, and bank account details, won’t be compromised in any manner. We pray that Allah (SWT) allows us to make donations through the most suitable channels Ameen.
If you’re willing to give, don’t make payments using gift cards or wire transfers. If someone asks you to donate by sending money through companies like Western Union or MoneyGram or by purchasing gift cards and sending them the codes, do not comply. Scammers often prefer these methods of payment because they are difficult to trace.
It’s safer to give money via cash or credit card after doing some research about the charity.
If you’re donating online, ensure that the page where you enter your donation information is marked with “https” in the web address. This means that your data is secure and encrypted. However, encryption alone does not guarantee the website’s legitimacy; scammers are adept at encrypting sites.
Be wary of anyone who insists that you make a donation using cryptocurrency. If you are told that the only method to donate is through cryptocurrency and that the charity won’t accept credit cards or checks, it’s most likely a scam.
Examine your bank and credit card statements. Ensure that you are charged only the amount you committed to give and aren’t inadvertently signing up for a regular donation you don’t want.
Keep track of your total donations, as you may need this information in the future when your contributions can be tax-deductible.
Have you ever donated clothing or home items to an organization? Donations that are not cash to a charity are known as gifts-in-kind. Sometimes, these gifts-in-kind could be valuable items like medical equipment or a vehicle that is no longer in use.
If a charity manages and records these donations correctly, gifts-in-kind could be crucial to a charity’s plans. However, a shady charity could inflate donations to make the organization appear to be more financially successful than it is.
When researching your charity’s mission, pay close attention to how it uses its money, not just the value of donations-in-kind.
If an organization combines gifts-in-kind to boost its operations and then uses most of its funds to compensate executives or cover operational expenses, consider giving to another organization.