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In the aftermath of the loss of a loved one, it’s challenging to find the motivation to plan a funeral memorial. 

But, a monument can be an opportunity for those left behind to find memories from the loss, build friendships, and commemorate the beloved person’s life. Although holding a memorial is usually essential, it can be costly. 

A memorial fund could raise needed money and allow the loved ones to make a meaningful, lasting contribution to their memory.

Make A Tribute to Your Beloved One

The Memorial fund can be established for various reasons: to keep an individual’s legacy, to bring scholarships, and to benefit family members to deal with unexpected costs. It preserves the legacy while helping raise the life of those around it.

  • Research has found that it is particularly important for children between the ages of 1 and 6 to grieve after the loss, and for those who have survived to take action in a meaningful way.
  • The typical funeral costs are between PS6,000 and PS8,500 which doesn’t include beverages and food served at the wake, or any other personal details.
  • A typical person has less than PS1 in their savings accounts. This means that arranging an event that costs more than PS8,000 could be an expensive financial loss.

Great Memorial Fund Ideas

  • Give Tribute to Someone’s Legacy While Helping Others

One way to honor the life of a person you’ve lost is to help others. 

The Gina Montalto Memorial Foundation is a good example. It was founded by the parents of Gina’s after her tragic death during the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida. 

Since then they’ve raised more than $350,000 in order to benefit students to pay for their university fees, as well as other causes that are dear to Gina’s heart.

  • Aid A Grieving Family During Their Time Of Grief

If you know of a family who recently been through a devastating loss, benefit them by offsetting the costs of a memorial or funeral. 

The Trinidad family was involved in a devastating accident in which 5 persons and left one survivor, their entire community joined together to raise over PS200,000 for funeral expenses and any extra assistance needed for Mary Rose, the mother who was able to escape the accident with severe injuries.

  • Help Fund the Search for a Cure and Benefit the Hurting

Many memorial fundraising events are organized in order to raise funds for research and benefit those who are suffering from similar conditions. 

Maddie started The Carroll Freeman Memorial Foundation following the death of her father who died of suicide following a battle with alcoholism and depression. 

In order to highlight the funding gap in mental health services within the US and to provide assistance to those who suffered similar to her father, Maddie raised more than $7000 to benefit people in need to get treatment.

  • Create An Account for a Scholarship Fund

The scholarship fund can honor the past passions of the deceased by ensuring that students in need keep their educational legacy.

In memory of Harvard student Courtney S. Blair Her family has started a scholarship fund which will give three post-secondary PS1,000 scholarships to high school students who attend The Gwinnett County public schools. .

  • Be A Part of a Loved Ones’ Favorite Cause

Create a memorial fund in order to raise money to support the cause that your loved one was interested in the most. If they were an environmentalist Consider, for instance, thinking about creating a memorial fund to provide funds to organizations that help defend the environment, combat global warming, or protect endangered species. 

If he or was a science educator or a science teacher, for instance you could establish a memorial fund to support the teaching of science to children or offer internships to first-generation university students. The possibilities are just as endless. options as there are possible causes.

  • Make A Lasting Memorial

Did your loved ones love the particular public or a particular park? If so, you can use an account to memorialize them and create a memorial piece for the area. 

You can raise money to build a statue, a bench of a tree, a garden, a small library, or a different addition to the space to commemorate the life of the person. 

Honoring a loved one’s life by making a permanent place within the community, like a park bench, public plaque or tree, can be an expression of appreciation for the person’s life. It’s becoming more common as opposed to a traditional funeral.

Reduce The Burden by Starting Fundraising 

If you’d like to provide benefit to someone in your family whom they lost close to them, it’s possible to make a memorial fund-raising event in their honor.

Here are some suggestions to think about when you’re beginning your journey:

  • Ask them what they want most. Then add them with the list of their needs on the page of fundraising. If they just need funds to pay for funeral costs Make sure you also inform the donors of this.
  • Include as much detail as you can on their current situation and why it is to help them.
  • Include plenty of pictures of them having fun.
  • Be sure to explain your relationship with the person who will benefit from the fundraiser and the method you will use to distribute the money to them. So that your fundraising is fully transparent.

Honor A Loved One Today

If you create one of the funds for memorials mentioned above or create your own method of honoring loved ones, you’ll be able to feel a sense of peace in the face of the tragedy. 

Memorial crowdfunding offers you the chance to make the first steps towards coming to acceptance of the loss of the person you love dearly. If you haven’t yet started an event to raise money for a memorial fund, launch your fundraiser now.

How to Create a Meaningful Memorial Fund
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How to Create a Meaningful Memorial Fund
Create a heartfelt memorial fund to honor loved ones by supporting meaningful causes and leaving a lasting legacy.
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